Watershed Hydrology focuses on surface water resources. Students learn about the hydrologic cycle, including how to measure a number of hydrologic variables and techniques to protect surface waters.
Students apply this knowledge in a variety of problem solving exercises. This course is currently taught with Q2 and W2 attributes.
Watershed Hydrology is offered in spring semesters starting in 2021.
Note: the syllabus linked here is for Fall of 2020, and reflects the reality of the COVID situation. I expect a similar experience for Spring 2021, and hope for a more traditional face to face experience in Spring 2022.
Lake Pam, one of two lakes on Stockton's campus.
Stockton is home to a number of vernal ponds like this one. The depth of the groundwater table is being monitored in several of these ponds to investigate the role of vegetation in the hydrology of these important landscape features.
Physical Geography provides students a comprehensive overview of the physical processes that govern how the planet works.
Topics include: the earth's energy budget, climate, weather, soils, hydrology, and nutrient cycles.
Physical Geography is one of four required 2000 level classes environmental science students take at Stockton. Physical Geography is offered in both fall and spring semesters; although the instructor varies.
A temperature sensor measures air temperature on campus. Understanding the factors that influence air temperature and climate is a focus of Physical Geography.
In Physical Geography Lab, students gain experience in measuring and interpreting environmental data. Skills include data analysis, introductory geographic information systems (GIS), and field analyses of landscapes, soils, and water.
Physical Geography lab is offered in both fall and spring semesters.
Note: this is my non-COVID ENVL 2105 syllabus
Soil pit day is traditionally a favorite among Physical Geography students.
ENVL 2100/2105 will be offered in summer 2021!!!
Columbia River Gorge (top)
Mullica River (bottom)
General studies courses (G-gourses) are required of Stockton students for graduation. General Integration and Synthesis (GIS) cources are designed for upper level students to synthesize their learning in the general studies curriculum.
In Rivers and Society, students examine the relationship between a river and the society that interacts with the river. Topics include: river hydrology, ecology, flooding, dams, and cultural interactions with rivers.
Rivers and Society is offered in semesters when I have time to teach it, and is now an online course.